Increase Flexibility

We don’t lose flexibility and range of motion as we get older. We lose it when we stop using it. Each session of Bikram Yoga works through every muscle, joint and organ in your body. Using your own strength, mental determination and patience you gain back the flexibility and range of motion you were meant to have regardless of your age. Bikram Yoga is made for everyone.

Balance Your Mind

Bikram Yoga is a meditation. During each yoga session you have the opportunity to close out everything from your life outside of the yoga so you can focus on the yoga postures. This process allows you to experience what it feels like to have a more quiet mind free of stressful thoughts. Each time you practice you recreate that habit in your brain until one day its the only habit you have.

Eliminate Pain

Lack of movement wrecks havoc on your body creating unnecessary pain in your body that you don’t need to live with. Bikram Yoga is the tool to live pain free in both your body and mind. The sequence of postures works through your whole body and puts the keys to ultimate health in your hands. It’s your responsibility to know your body inside out, bones to skin.

Weight Loss

Bikram Yoga allows you to work your entire body in one session. With time you learn how to apply precision and intensity to each posture allowing to you received the most benefit from each cardiovascular posture. Also, using larger muscles in your body to keep you balanced increases your metabolism. Most importantly, as you body starts to function better as it’s more aligned and focused, you start craving more quality things in your life over quantity. That goes for food, work, relationships and sleep. Bikram Yoga will change your life.

Sleep Better

Bikram Yoga has a cumulative effect on your body. Through a regular practice you will experience more mental clarity and less stressful thoughts, allowing you to sleep more soundly.

Improve Health

Compression and extension are cornerstones of Bikram Yoga. This process is achieved during the stretch of each posture which improves circulation in your body and increases the flow of oxygen.