The Cure All
December 1, 2020
How Bikram Yoga can alleviate pain, increase range of motion, foster weight loss, and even ease depression. Sound too good to be true? Just wait til you give it a try.
How Bikram Yoga can alleviate pain, increase range of motion, foster weight loss, and even ease depression. Sound too good to be true? Just wait til you give it a try.
Bikram Yoga enthusiasts have long espoused the practice as a cure-all. Now Western medicine is agreeing with them.
Sweat is more than a sign of a workout done right – it’s essential for overall health.
I started writing this post on the plane as I finally started to make my way back to New York. My departure was so bittersweet. I was so excited to go home and see friends and family I have missed, but sad at the same time to leave so many great people. Where do I…Read More »
Here I was, back at Tranquil Point for a week long Bikram Yoga Teacher Retreat with Teri Almquist. Teri is a Bikram teacher and studio owner from Massachusetts. Her studio in the States focuses on students with chronic aliments and injuries. The Teacher Retreat also happened to coincidence with my one year anniversary of graduating…Read More »
I’m back at Bikram Yoga Tranquil Point in Tasmania as I write this. I decided to come back for a week long Bikram Yoga teacher retreat, which so far has been an experience I can’t wait to write about! I spent the last 3 weeks teaching at Bikram Yoga Dunedin in New Zealand. It was…Read More »
The last 2 weeks at Tranquil Point were busy ones! I had the opportunity to travel up the east coast to Port Arthur and Wineglass Bay. Per my usual habit…I really had no plan other than Ben suggested I go for a visit. As luck would have it, my iPad stopped working the morning I…Read More »
I have now been in Tasmania for 2 weeks. My trip with many stops could not have been any smoother. I practiced in 5 different studios and taught at Bikram Yoga Mountainview in California on my way over to Tasmania. So far I was I was keeping up with the practical part of my trip. Visiting other studios- Check! Teaching new students- Check!
When I ended my last blog from the Bikram Yoga teacher training I said “To be continued….” I didn’t know what that meant or if I could continue to write the blog. I landed in New York Sunday night and went back to work the next day. I started teaching yoga a few times a…Read More »
Week 8 and 9 were the home stretch! I was so close to being home, back with friends and family and my own schedule that I started counting the days. Literally crossing them off my calendar! Still, 11 more days of classes made it seem like I had an eternity ahead of me. At the…Read More »
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